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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

how i blew myself up

Here is the jar i started with

Cut a one inch hole add 100% alcohol
light it and this is whats left
the bang resembled four .22 rifles shots at once

Follow up to axe can hobo stove

these are the optional holes you can drill for extra output any bit around 2,3 mm will work

Friday, May 6, 2011

axe can hobo stove

Axe can hobo stove

I built this stove in response to the numerous a bud light can stoves Ive seen.
this stove started when i thought hey i want to make one (but being a minor means no bud light bottles)
so i set out trying to make one from axe can

First remove all axe from can spray away
maybe duct tape the top down and chuck it (spraying axe) into a friends locker
or spray some out and light it turning your axe into a column of flame
or just spray yourself so much that you could get a DUI (wonder if its happened?)

but once the sweet stuff is gone start by taking off the cap
then take a pencil and shove it into the white pipe pushing until it fall into the can

step three
cut off the top of the can at the ridge

sand the edges then stick the top of the can inside the can letting it fall down

and thats it now just fill with denatured alocohal preferrably or rubbing alocohal if you have to

for extra output drill holes as shown in later post

End result

also during use you can stick it in a can with air holes for improved stabilty this makes a great hiking backpacking stove hope you enjoyed this thanks: Eric

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

paper plane launcher

alright so i built this paper plane launcher a few weeks ago so i so i thought id post how i did it.It shoots planes a amazing 30 meters my teacher said it was the best he ever saw. Email me to get the drawings that wont post.                         nitroburn66@gmail.com

Paper plane launcher materials

·         Home wire copper 1 mm thick
·         13 Popsicle sticks
·         1 foot of string
·         Hot glue as needed
·         Two by four
·         Three Nails one inch long one mm thick

How to make a paper plane launcher
1. Get a two by four construction grade cut a 27” piece then use a table saw to shave it to 1.5” width and .75” height
2. About two inches from the right end draw a line like this
3. After that draw an oval in front of the line like this
4. Use a gouge and carve out the oval like a bowl about half an inch deep.
5.Get a nail about one millimeter thick and 1 in long the with cable cutters cut the head off hammer the nail into the center of the oval until flush with outside wood so about half a inch of nail shows fold the nail over on the other side.
6. Then turn the wood sideways and drill a hole about 1 fourth of a inch down like this
7. Buy some home wiring copper about 1 mm thick
8.cut two lengths of wire about 6 inches strip the insulation off then with pliers slide  them into the holes and bend around the nail like this then solder together

 9. Hot glue a Popsicle stick two these two wires below the wood they should move freely back and forth
10. use a v tool on the left end of the launcher cut a v about half a inch deep like this then drive a nail same as the first into the v like this leave the head on
11. Get about eight inches of the same wire as the first glue on like this 
12. Hot glue Popsicle sticks to the right of the launcher like this
13. Hot glue three Popsicle sticks about two inches from the end of the left side like this

14. Spread out the Popsicle sticks in step 13 with another Popsicle sticks like this
15. Drive another nail in same kind as the others leave the head on leaves about 3mm out

16. Cut two nine inch wires then hot glue to the launcher like this
17. Tie a string to the nail in step 15 and 10 then tie those to a binding rubber band
18. Bend a paper clip into a hook shape like this
19. Slide the rubber band into the paper clip do it rests right here
20. Pull the paper clip back so this part rests on the nail in step 5 with the soldered wire in step 8 then push the Popsicle stick in step 9 the paper clip should slide off the nail then the rubber band flinging it forward
21. To launch planes make cones like this tape to either side of the plane slide cone on to hook after completing step 20

You have completed building the paper plane launcher
By: Eric

Sunday, October 17, 2010

the cannon

angle i launch at

to get the poatato in i take the barrel off it and shove it in there
on the end of the barrel the pvc is filed into a edge like a apple corer
which cuts the patato into a near perfect projectile
i sound like a nerd right

the red thingy is a handle for a half inch ball valve
 if you want to make one of these go to a ace hardware they are really helpful
the guy got me all the parts in like ten minutes

be careful blah blah blah saftey glasses blah
not responsible for injury
dont go past 30 psi if you use the bike valve
like this one

                                                               have fun

Thursday, October 14, 2010


ever since i understood what a cannon did i wanted one 
Ive seen explosive cannons pneumatic cannons
but my favorite one is pneumatic because the explosive kind
over time degrade so what i did was i built a PVC chamber resembling a t with a curve
like this
/                               /
/..............         ......../
               /..     /..
                  /    / valve here....................................................................................

whoat a piece of junk right well the idea in it was that
i can fill it halfway with water and have a bad ass water gun i  was right this baby shoots fifteen feet so cool like a horizontal gyser
love it have it
just a little backround info i created this blog as a way to look back on my life
some days i admit i get mad life sucks
and teachers act like they are twins with a devil complete with horns
i will enter one post a night about somting i built want to build or wish i did

sorry if your dissappointed i will be on a boyscout campout tomrow

oh yeah if your reading this mr freeman then you should probally quit your job as vice princeapple and go to rehab to learn not to stalk kids so much honstly u can call me down to the office but everyone just laughs at u for being such a stalker u investigate every locker decoration
ohh no you didnt licence that ribbon ok im conficateing this for further investigation.

happy hunting

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

first entry

over time ill show u my awsome life but for todsy ill tell u about life its the best and worst
people annoy u let u down
but somehow some guy a million years deciced to be nice
maybe it wuz jesus
i dont belive in god i just dont cause if i worship a statue of a dead person on wood
imangine what what we might be worshiping if jesus wasnt around
potatos oh that reminds me next entry
bombs away  is that a bird is a plane no noobs its a potato
oh and comment it fun to know how popular i am